Monday, December 29, 2014

Exploring unFamiliar Territory

Last night I dreamt of you

we were in a movie theatre

you sat behind me

and leaned forward to touch my shoulder

I reached up to touch your hand

in the dark it was okay

but when the lights came on

I turned and you were gone


Today I ate M&Ms and I was ashamed

the pup came galumphing into the room

his ears were inside out and I was amused

in just a bit I will cross the Salisbury Viaduct

and I am afraid

not afraid, apprehensive

a fear of heights grew up with me

but I am leaving it behind


Before we met you told me

high up

gasping for balance

pushing on

we must

keep moving

or we fall.

Good advice that I will follow

on this bridge and in my heart


None of you will walk beside me

not one will hold my hand

but each of you are mixed into my soul

and I am not alone.

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