Tuesday, March 10, 2015


How many times have you walked with me
the earth carpeted with moldering leaves
that break where we tread and release the scent
of life in tune with itself

How many times have I held your hand
as we stepped across stones in a stream
felt the calluses of an honest day’s work
and ribs born to the strings of guitars

 How many times have you brushed snow from my hair
and I from your shoulders and beard
oblivious to cold in a warm embrace
in the shelter of hemlock trees
How many times have we made love in the rain
water running off of your back
limbs cushioned in a deep bed of moss
welcoming thunder that muffles our cries
of course it hasn’t happened yet and perhaps it never will
yet  I carry these images when I go for a walk
in hopes that, someday, you'll be able to love
and when that day comes you will walk at my side and trade fantasy for memories

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