Sunday, June 14, 2015

Memory and Fantasy

Fine things are memory and fantasy,
or are they places that we dwell
rent-free with only those who are invited,
and the ignorant are banned.
I see you beneath a maypole
bare flesh melded to one of those you love,
the size of things don’t matter for
in fantasy, there are no rules
I see her beneath the hemlock
with her great surrendered love
two worlds so different in reality
mean nothing in a dream
those who have passed through this realm
to whatever lies beyond
I see alive and well and happy
walking unseen at our side
and him I see in a perfect photograph
composed to keep him safe
held in tender, loving kindness, protected from
the full intensity that has baffled stronger men
these hearts that are so capable
of many loves at once
are both beautiful and dangerous
and what truly makes us we.

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