Sunday, August 21, 2016


Gentle stranger, take my hand
tonight, we dance the pain away
hold me close and whisper nothing
kiss me like I've never been

Saturday, August 20, 2016


Gentle stranger, lightly tread
on what was meant to be a grave
you have by chance awakened
a beast sensual and unrestrained
your flesh, she may devour
before you understand

Keep your distance, gentle stranger
take the time to tame, not break her
leave her spirit wild and free
she might yet kneel down before you
but don’t expect her to obey

Monday, August 1, 2016

Your Dog is Invited - from Somerset Magazine, August 2016

                August is here and plans are in full swing for the fourth annual Ethel Invitational Dog Show.  This day of dog activities and family fun is designed for the average dog – purebred or mutt – and is the main source of income to support the Ethel Fund Inc.  Any healthy, friendly, well-behaved dog may enter for just $10.   Every dog is automatically entered in the judging for Best in Show and, when you submit a photo, Online Best in Show. 

                The Invitational will be held on September 17 from 10:00am to 3:00pm at the Quemahoning Family Recreation Area in Hollsopple, PA.  Trophies will be awarded for Best in Show, 2nd and 3rd places, and for the winner of each contest: Best Trick, Cutest Kid/Dog Combo, Most Popular Puppy (under 10 months old), and the crowd favorite, Best Costume.  Ribbons will be awarded to every dog of merit and entering cute kid.  The contests are judged by spectators but Best in Show is determined by the amount of donations made in each dog’s name.

                The day is full of plenty of things to do besides watch or participate in the show.  You can observe and try American Kennel Club activities such as agility, obedience, and tracking.  There will be demonstrations such Search and Rescue, police dog work, weight pulling, freestyle dog dancing, and more.  There will be food, pet portraits, vendors, face-painting, games for the kids, and raffles for the adults.  Even with all this, admission for spectators is free.

                Miss Ethel Jane Kerplunk, herself, will be there to meet and greet all who helped her when she was in need of dual hip replacements and cervical spine surgery.  Because of the generosity of strangers and friends, Ethel now leads a life that is healthy, happy, and pain free.  The people who saved her life now work to help other pets.  Several recipients will be in attendance, and you can pick up a copy of our magazine, The Ethel Annual.  In it are the stories of all the animals helped by the Fund and reviews of the activities of our volunteers.

                100% of the proceeds of the Ethel Invitational will be used to provide assistance to family pets with catastrophic veterinary needs, give sanctuary to the pets of women escaping domestic abuse, and to facilitate the pairing of service dogs to people with physical or psychological impairments. 

                You may enter your dog online by visiting and clicking on the tab labeled “The Ethel Invitational Dog Show.”  Paper copies of the entry form will soon be available at the offices of area veterinarians, pet care, and supporting businesses.  To become a vendor, please email To become a sponsor or demonstrator, please email  All other questions may be sent to or phone 814-443-4677.


Rebecca is the President & Executive Director of The Ethel Fund Inc., a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization dedicated to changing animals' lives by providing assistance in times of catastrophic veterinary need.  To learn more, please visit or  You may contact Rebecca at

Phil Balko is the proprietor of Photography by Balko and donates his talents to the Ethel Fund Inc. as well as other community organizations.  To see more of his work, visit You may contact Phil at

A Beautiful Man - from Somerset Magazine, August 2016

Whether you prefer the word ‘beautiful’ or ‘handsome’, 
Kirk’s strong presence fits the description
                Who would think that such an innocuous word as ‘beautiful’ could start a controversy?  As women, we’ve fought for equality in the workplace, in politics, in general.  Yet, in the discussion that sparked this article, it was primarily women who balked at using the term to describe men.  Certainly, no one would argue that Michelangelo’s David, Elvis’s smoldering eyes, or Frank Sinatra’s silky voice are beautiful things but, when people began to share what makes a man beautiful, it was almost never his appearance.

                Childbirth is a violent process, interspersed with unattractive details.  Gone are the days when an expectant father paced the halls, waiting for his newborn child to be presented – washed and neatly swaddled.  Christopher never left his wife’s side.  Though her pain was almost more than he could bear, he never thought of walking away.  Their child was born with jaundice, struggled to nurse, and cried for relief.  His mother battled post-partum depression, was afraid she’d fail as a parent.  Christopher had no good role model – his own father left when he and his brother were almost too young to remember – but he does the best he can.  He loves his wife, his son, and their ancient, ailing dog.
It is beautiful to watch Cody
continue the tradition of the family farm 

                Vince is a man in love with his wife and his daughters.  They see too little of him because he is also a man of principle, dedicated to his work and gives nothing less than his all.  He is a faithful man who supports the people who work for him, his partner, and his friends.  He gives voice to those without and saves lives every day.  Vince is a veterinarian.  More often than he’d like, his is the hand that escorts a cherished pet to the other side.  The decision is never made lightly, or alone.  The compassion he offers in these moments is heartfelt, his tears, genuine.  When his clients are at their most vulnerable, Vince is a man to be trusted and admired.

What a beautiful thing it is to see Cayce play with his son, Forest

                Lee is a man who didn’t do well by his family.  He was, in general, an angry person who put his needs always before those of others.  He drank too much and inflicted abuse upon his children.  But, Lee has changed.  He has done what no one expected: he has apologized to those he’s harmed, and he tries to make amends.  Not everyone can forgive him and he accepts this.  He no longer makes excuses and he works each day to become a better man.

                Jimmy has Down ’s syndrome.  There are many things he cannot do and much that he doesn’t understand, but Jimmy can sing!  He is rarely without a smile and he gives the best hugs.  Even the most gruff of gentlemen soften in his presence.  His features are not what many would consider handsome but his soul shines in a way that far surpasses the word.

Andrew with his son, Austin,
on the most beautiful day of his life
                Though we might not change your mind about whether the word applies to men, few would argue that beauty is what beauty does.  Whether you call him handsome or beautiful, a man is most attractive when he’s doing something he loves.  Caitlyn loves to watch Eddie work on his racecar, grease-covered and so involved in his passion that he is almost oblivious to her presence.  Julie admires Bill both in camouflage when he leaves before daybreak to hunt turkey and in the uniform of their son’s baseball team when he coaches.  Jenny has found beauty in Jim every day of their 25-year marriage but takes special pleasure in watching him garden.  Angel’s heart melts when Cayce tosses, tickles, and teases their son into uncontrollable fits of laughter.  Perhaps most beautiful of all is the face of a man in love, watching his bride walk down the aisle, gazing into her eyes as she takes his hand in marriage, and in that moment when they are pronounced husband and wife.

Phil Balko is the proprietor of Photography by Balko, a full-service studio specializing in senior portraits, custom wedding, and lifestyle photography.  To see more of his work, visit  You may contact Phil at or (814)352-5327.