Saturday, August 22, 2015

Broken Butterfly

What a shock it is to learn
the painful truth
through self-evaluation
that what I thought was just a game
was most lethal and quite real
and now that I know
how much I care
I must learn to let you go

Sunday, August 16, 2015

Addiction to agony

Never was I beautiful and
now, certainly, I’m not
not because of scars and bruising
rather, careless revelry
so, you punish me with silence
and it’s less than I deserve
at your feet I grovel
outside your door I beg
forgiveness I do not warrant
yet, I cannot turn away


A curse it is to miss a beauty
that you never truly had
to mourn the death
of love that never lived
a cross to bear that you built yourself
a will to live
you wish you didn't have

Thoughts of Love

So, you thought you were in love
with feelings large and true
building from within until
unbidden, they emerge
yes, you thought you were in love
but it was only gas